
"It's...It's Father yet again another place where we wont be welcome because of him and his attitudes and manners. Each time he does it; it closes off another avenue of escape for me, because I am the fat daughter, of the fat slob that no one wants to know. I was enjoying it here and then he does it again" she was gasping her words out between sobs by the end."Look you are always welcome," I said to her."Yes you say that now, but after I am gone?" she said still sobbing. "You do not know either His Highness here, his Father or me child. Rest here compose yourself and the two of you join us when you are ready. I have some things to do and I shall see that no one disturbs you." Henri said leaving us and closing the door. This was a situation I was not trained for. Despite John and my attempts at seduction, they were laughable. The first kiss I had had off a female that wasn't a duty was off Lizzie here. I sat down next to her and started rubbing her back making comforting sounds as I. He stepped out of his hiding place and was pointing the gun in my direction, so I pulled the trigger on the Taser. It’s a lot better on this side of a Taser. The darts caught him square in the chest, and it ticked away as it does. He danced like he was at a Devo concert and went down.Shooting Miss Greenway really was the stupidest thing I ever thought of doing. So I stood over him, looked down and waited until some recognition sparked in his eyes. Then, I told him, "I can't believe how stupid I was. Look kid, I know you don't have a clue, so I'll make it easy for you. I'm you. I'm you from your future. I'm also Mr. King, so you do get to bang her." I still wasn't thinking straight, what was I going to do about Miss Greenway? I wasn't Mr. King, despite what I claimed, and I hadn't banged her yet. I remember how I used to think about Miss Greenway, so said to him, "You don't have to beat off to those bikini shots forever."He was looking around, he saw the gun on the ground beside him,.
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